This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Starting my job has not slowed my picture is random sample of some of things that I have seen and done in the past few days....

This is an ant hill near my school site. The height is about 3 feet and it is all made by the co-operation of little ants. Sometimes, when these hills get really big, a snake moves in and calls it home...when that happens, a certain religious sect in India reveres it as special and performs ceremonies around and to it. Not sure of the whole story, but I think there's milk involved....

Here's my art room and my new school. There's 3 more days left until school starts.....yeah.....we're going for a minimilast look. yep.....

Like many memorable photo opps, it was this policeman's purple feathers
that beckoned my attention...

This is a lady at a craft exhibition that I attended today at the Bangalore art college. All regions of India were featured at the exhibition where you could see the different styles and colours of textiles used by each group.

And finally, here I am....getting my hair braided with some colourful strings and beads at the exhibition.