This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Monday, September 11, 2006

A three day weekend was just what I needed...

This long weekend, I took a small vacation with some new friends to a nearby town about 300km to the west coast. The place is called Chickmanglure and it's known for its many coffee estates and plantations. What a fool I was to think that moving to India would make me kick my coffee addiction and switch over to tea! Southern India is known for its fine, fine coffee....and I can't get enough. Tim Horton's is a distant memory now. Here are some pics from the aromatic station....

From left: Hills at 7:30 in themorning; detail carving from a local temple; sculpture of Nandi - bull companion of Lord Shiva; Choosing a watermelon from a roadside vendor under a Banya tree.