This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Random photos from my life here...

Me and Rabeen , manager of our favorite local restaurant "Green Park".My usual is peanut masala, garlic naan and chicken tikka and beer which they don't have a license to serve, so you have to wait a while for them to ride out(by bicycle) and get it from a local bar.

Me at the technology and innovation museum.

Singing with Pink Champagne again...we're working on the name!

Rainy season has started...downpours are fast and furious.

Best purchase so far...washing machine split between me and Andrea.

Last two pics at Bangalore's planetarium....just as good as T.O.'s used to be.