This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

These are my last couple of days in Ashland before I head off to Portland, and they have been sweet. The weather is fine...t-shirt and hackey sack in the park weather to be scientific... and enjoying spending time with good friends that I have made here, and hope to see again in the future. My adventures this past year and a half have not necessarily been 'life-changing' as they have been lifestyle affirming....I'm happiest when I'm making and learning art and music, around positive people and ideas, close to nature, and of course...when the next adventure is on the horizon. Ain't nothing wrong with that! It's got me this far...and it's going to get me to Portland too.:)

A couple of new paintings that I recently of Toronto trumpet player, Tim Hamel, another of jazz legend Clarke Terry..playing around with different techniques to liven it up; My farewell to Ashland party started at 9:30 in the morning with Merrill, the bakery owner making me a pancake breakfast...mmm...we went all day and into the evening as musicians dropped in and joined the longest jam I've been a part of!; I made my bandmates partake in a Labatt's Blue...not that I would be caught dead in Canada drinking one, but it was the only Canadian beer they import over here.; I was sent off with a quote from one of the blues songs I sing; That's me enjoying my time in "Holler and The Baker Boys" one last time.....can't wait to get back here sometime down the road....