This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Monday, December 24, 2007

I usually post pics of landscapes and just things that catch my attention here on my visit in Ashland, but truly, I have met some wonderful people while here, so I thought I would post some pics of those that I have spent time with, played music with, and been inspired by...

Bill's a good friend that was introduced to me by Shelly and Bunli who brought me to Ashland; my buddy Tom (drummer) and his friends know how to hammer out some good steel blues numbers; a Sunday jam to which I have an open invite...7 guitars, a mandolin, a banjo, an accordian, a bass, a ukelele and percussion give me a great rhythm for singing along to; my buddy Lance and I are doing a cool little swing jazz project over at a local bakery; Bill's new dog - Tikka and me just kicking it on xmas eve; the Karen Lovely blues band with which I sit in for a few songs; my friend, Robbie Dacosta - a living vessel in which Chuck Berry and Elvis still live; a fun night at the Bella Union in Jacksonville with Beth on the fiddle; me and Shelly visiting a local artist's house; one of my newest paintings of Toronto saxophonist, Chris Gale. So that's who and what I've been busy with (at least the stuff I can put on the world wide web :))