This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So much to do in Ashland...
January has been a great month...some pics of all the things going on....A couple of weekends ago was the Rogue Valley Blues Fest, with literally dozens of acts performing around Ashland and I was honoured to play a couple of gigs, which got me a free weekend pass to all the shows...sweet. This past Saturday was the Roe Vs Wade anniversary - this pic shows a lady attending the benefit who participated in the original march 25 years ago (with my friend Teresa); On the same day, my friend Punam threw a great party at her house...behind her and me is the portrait of Doc Cheatham which she bought to hang in her home; some of my musician buddies at Punam's; and.....on Sunday, the sky dumped 10 inches of snow onto the town....that doesn't happen here often, so snow day for all - A great way to end the month!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

There's snow up in them there hills!

Had a fun weekend going up into the mountains around Ashland on part of a snowshow hike with a group and Ranger Don near one of Oregon's tourist attractions called Crater Lake...a Lake that has water so clear and blue, that you can see 150 ft down to the bottom...The road to the lake was snowed in, but we got to enjoy the area cause the huge amounts of snow were awe-inspiring too....

Some new styles i am playing around with - compositions with marker, pastels, and cause of the colour

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Artist Connection.....

The finished portrait by Robert watch the process of this portrait being created while I sat for it was a very special experience....some things I feel more educated about: colour mixing, capturing the essence of a person, setting up the composition, and the drive to persist at the idea even when frustrated......if you like this portrait and want to learn more about the artist, you can visit his blog at:

Saturday, January 05, 2008

(latest painting...trying a bit of abstract with the monochromatic style)

First Friday Art Walk

Had my show opening yesterday as part of a monthly event here in Ashland known as the First Friday Art Walk, where all the galleries open their doors to the public showing off local artists and serve wine, food and music in the evening. The owner of a local cafe/bakery hosted my artwork along with a live music session - some swing jazz men and myself. It was a great time, and i sold some pieces as well as having a fun. What more could I ask for? Here are some pics from the evening....