This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Well.....this is it.

Last day of my west coast adventure. The sun is shining, the jazz fest is over (closed off with a Maceo Parker performance at the Crystal Ballroom.....funk-ay!) and I've got the whole day to myself to think on this past little while of making art, meeting different people, making and listening to music, and generally....conducting myself in a place with no real map or's harder than it looks...but definitely something that everyone should try. the surprises are worth it alone :) right now i';m being filmed for channel 8 news in portland as they do a special on folks using their laptops in wi-fi places....see you never know where you're going to end up:).
When I started all this travelling, I had a good idea of the places I wanted to see, and that I was up for an adventure....but I had no idea that I would learn so much about people, myself, and the very, very special importance of the present moment that a few people tried to tell me about before, but I didn't really understand until now. I recently read a quote from the billionaire Richard Branson who is always more fun to say yes than it is to say no......and ever since i read that, i have realized that much of my good times have been from being up for just about anything.....people have often said to're so lucky...everything always happens to you, but i think it has more to do with the idea that i just say yes to the stuff that does.
tomorrow morning, i return to toronto to start it all over again with just a little more knowledge and experience on what i want to find out in this lifetime, and what i need to keep smiling along the way.

Bike sculpture on Burnside and 12th?; The all-female jazz group, Quadraphonnes; attending the Nia dance class in Portland....where it all started with teacher and founder Debbie; a waterfall at the Catholic sanctuary called Grotto in the Northeast end of town where some religious dude started a sanctuary in the forest....somebody had to!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Art, music, art, music - I like to balance these two things and the last couple of days have been a fine mixture of both....including a little hackey sack with strangers, chocolate ice cream and general wandering....

After a beautiful morning of sunshine, basketball and hackey sack, I headed over to the NW Printmaker's Association...a co-op for over 150 printmakers who rotate exhibitions and have monthly exhibitions. The day before, I had happened into the gallery, pulled in by a particular show going on, only to find out that the artist would be speaking here are some pics of that artist....a very warm and well-spoken man in his eighties with a lifetime of art experience...and still,,,the same advice comes out - practice drawing, and always keep practicing. I left with a print of his and more motivation to keep sketching (which i have been doing lots of at the festival). The night before, the Portland Jazz Orchestra put on one of the best shows I have seen here...a double repetoire of Mingus and Holland....2 of my faves, and they were great. Last night, I went to a very old church downtown called - The Old Church....featuring young artists of Portland...something in the water here -- they come out knowing Coltrane:)....a beautiful backdrop of an acient organ set the scene.....Top pics are from my wanderings....a nice mural on a retainer wall, and the fast food lot - a cuisine hotspot for portlanders on the go.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Things that don't start with J and end with Z....

In my search to detox from too much of a good thing, I discovered some more wonderful things to do in Portland...Such as the Forest Park...a huge park trail system just a 10 minute bus ride away from the hostel....where i spent a morning, eventually ending at the Portland Audobon society, where their resident owl, Juulio, was out enjoying the sun too. Also had a chance to visit the Portland Art museum where there was an exhibition on dancers painted by Degas, Lautrec and Forain....and I still took in the jazz fest...Sunday afternoon was a concert by pianist Cecil Taylor whose free jazz style seemed miles ahead of be-bop....almost like a marrying of classical and jazz....had to go home to the hostel and paint after that show --- a new one of Shirley Horn.

Monday, February 18, 2008

No More Jazz!

I can't believe im saying that, but, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, if you know what i mean. after a full weekend of non stop jazz, i had to do something else, and so with a beautiful sunny day in portland, i decided to listen and see something else for a change (im heading out soon to see some jazz, im over it!) but im glad i got to check out some of what portland has to offer including.....

Spent most of the morning at the Chinese tea garden near the waterfront, a beautifully constructed and peaceful place right in the city that has some of the most rare Chinese teas served in traditional ceremony style. 4$ gets you a neverending cup and a spot right in the wondow overlooking the of the day was spent on the waterfront walkway marked by this sculpture that tells the story of Asian history in the city, and then crossed over the Hawthorne Bridge to hang out in that wasn't anything special, but this modified police car was worth a pic...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Back in a big city....

So now I'm on the last leg of my US adventure....back in a big city, which is no where as big as Toronto, but it sure feels big after being in Ashland for the last few months. Too much pavement and not enough mountains if you ask me. Funny going back to passing people on the street with no eye contact...just a barrier. But that being said, Portland is a cool city cause its so easy to walk to many things, there's lots to do, and public transit is free in the downtown area, and cheap otherwise. What I;m doing here is taking in the annual Portland jazz fest, both as a patron and as a volunteer hours get me free access to all of the shows when im not working. and my job is to get the artist to fill out their tax form, py them their cheque and announce them on the mike to the audience. ive only been here for two days, but its jazz heaven, with so much to take it, i wonder if i;ll get to see much else of the city while im here. a couple of freinds from ashland drove me up here and spent the nights at some jazz gigs. So fun so far....

Over the bridge, B3 Hammond Organ Player; David Ornette Cherry with Organic Roots; The waterfront

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

These are my last couple of days in Ashland before I head off to Portland, and they have been sweet. The weather is fine...t-shirt and hackey sack in the park weather to be scientific... and enjoying spending time with good friends that I have made here, and hope to see again in the future. My adventures this past year and a half have not necessarily been 'life-changing' as they have been lifestyle affirming....I'm happiest when I'm making and learning art and music, around positive people and ideas, close to nature, and of course...when the next adventure is on the horizon. Ain't nothing wrong with that! It's got me this far...and it's going to get me to Portland too.:)

A couple of new paintings that I recently of Toronto trumpet player, Tim Hamel, another of jazz legend Clarke Terry..playing around with different techniques to liven it up; My farewell to Ashland party started at 9:30 in the morning with Merrill, the bakery owner making me a pancake breakfast...mmm...we went all day and into the evening as musicians dropped in and joined the longest jam I've been a part of!; I made my bandmates partake in a Labatt's Blue...not that I would be caught dead in Canada drinking one, but it was the only Canadian beer they import over here.; I was sent off with a quote from one of the blues songs I sing; That's me enjoying my time in "Holler and The Baker Boys" one last time.....can't wait to get back here sometime down the road....

Sunday, February 03, 2008

On The Ashland Choo Choo..


This past Friday, the fellows that I play music with (call ourselves Holler and The Baker Boys) played a gig at the new Ashland Train Museum...part of the first Friday art walk. It was a lot of fun, as we played mostly train related blues, and Lance the drummer dolled up his kit with some added railway accessories. I'm gonna miss these guys!