This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Some more pics from the camera of my partner in travel, Andrea.....we're awesome!

From top: Observatory in jaipur with me standing on the Gemini monument; delhi sunrise...yep that's pollution and it never lifts from the city; me and andrea sharing a drink at our hotel bar; artwork at the jaipur city palace; rathambore tiger reserve 250 kms from jaipur; me at the red fort; b'hai lotus temple in delhi

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Happy Holidays!!

Hope everybody is having a great time in the last days of 2006. I'm on my xmas holidays from school, and I'm trying to see as much of India as I can in the 3 weeks. Just came back from travelling some of the north of India...a popular tourist triangle route of Delhi, Agra (where the Taj Mahal is) and Jaipur. It was a great time with lots of sightseeing, room service and road trips....Here are just a few pics of the hundreds I took.....

Lots more pics to sort's a brief description starting from the top:
camels on the highway from agra to jaipur; jaipur city; elephant in traffic; ruins in jaipur; folk dancer at city palace in jaipur; xmas tree and me in delhi; tajmahal; rajasthani women on highway; red fort in delhi; taj mahal up close

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Off to Delhi in a couple of's what's been happening lately...

Finished a painting I've been working on for a while...a watercolour of John Coltrane....slowly working up a collection of these portraits...this one was a challenge!

Also been playing music with some folks i met at opus and we rehearse out on this farm to the east of bangalore. nice and peaceful...surrounded by mango and coconut trees.

The last pic is just for fun.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hey friends...

Not much going on...just killing time until the Christmas holidays and then I'm off to the North of India to see the desert, Delhi and the infamous Taj Mahal... Spending my time playing music at a local jazz/live music club in Bangalore with visiting and local musicians. This is my favorite spot in the city so I thought I 'd share some pics....