This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's Not Exactly The Way Moses Pictured It....

On my Passover/Easter break for the next week, and me and Andrea headed to the hills to kick it off. Went to a nearby city called Mysore, famous for its Palace, which truly was a grand site. No cameras allowed inside, but take my word for it...the place was unbelievable. After that, we took a five hour bus trip up to a hill station called Ooty. Pics from Mysore:(Mysore Palace gate; prayers on Chimundi Hill; local kids on Chimundi Hill)

The town itself wasn't anything special, except for its cooler tempatures (18 degrees celsius at night and me and Andrea were dressed in sweatshirts and toques!) But...the surrounding forests and tea plantations were amazing. Andrea and I rented motorbikes and rode around the hills for the whole day...a very free feeling compared to the congestion of Bangalore city life. Here are some pics...

Me on a paddleboat on Ooty lake; the view from halfway up Nilgiri Hills and the motorbike I rented; a step in processing tea at the Ooty Tea Factory; a random pink temple on the way to a town called Kodagiri; the mechanics who saved the day when i got a flat somewhere in the Hills.