This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thought I'd share some more of Ashland's culture which also includes an extreme dislike for Bush. Went to play some darts last night with a friend and next to us was a group of rowdy middle-aged women who added some extra incentive to their darts game. Had to take a pic...check out many times they hit the guy!

These are some snaps that tell a bit of what i've been getting into here in Ashland....
First one is a pic of the Ashland Academy of Art where I am taking art lessons once a week with a small group. Learning the very technical side to proportion, perspective and such is a good way for me to improve on my art making and teaching skills, even if my teacher is only 18 years old (an unbelievable artist and teacher - this kid can teach!)

A picture of my first painting i've made here in Ashland of singer Etta James. Yes, i'm still on the can check out more at

Bluegrass band from Portland that I saw last night. Played in a smoky can smoke in some bars here after 10:30...very wierd for a Torontonian...these guys had washboards, dog howls and everything, and the crowd was just as entertaining as the music.

Jus a cool community sculpture in the park...glad I took this pic cause the next day I was walking through and it had all fallen down..