This is a documentation of Lindsay Erdman's journey to India - as a teacher, artist, musician.... and whatever else people associate her with. Feel free to visit, read and share comments as time reveals the purpose of this adventure.

Monday, November 26, 2007

So many good pics from here, i just had to keep sharing...i am falling in love with this railroad track as i am walking along it every day...a type of artery from one end of the just makes the day so much more fun when you walk along railroad tracks...there's always someone to meet, there's art along the peace fence with new stuff being put up everyday, and of course, the mountains mak a pretty dramatic backdrop to the sense of freedom and movement that comes from being around the tracks. The longer I am here, the more I am reminded of the many places that I have lived in close proximity to some railroad tracks....canada, india, and now the states....pretty amazing.

grafitti along the tracks; making my own grafitti on the train car; my contribution to the peace flag; walking on the mountain on a sunday afternoon

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Some more pics of what has been going on with me in Ashland, adventure that has led me to go back to some of my old habits (singing with blues musicians), and develop some new ones in art...although i am not ready to show what i have been working on art wise, these pics show the space that i am working in....and the rainbow by the mountains is just a nice surprise after some rain......I am working with a portrait artist here, Paulmenn..the above pics are of his studio space. Besides attending figure drawing sessions, I also work with him informally on my painting skills, and am modelling for a portrait during which I learn about capturing a person in a composition. I am hoping it helps with my own art making.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thought I'd share some more of Ashland's culture which also includes an extreme dislike for Bush. Went to play some darts last night with a friend and next to us was a group of rowdy middle-aged women who added some extra incentive to their darts game. Had to take a pic...check out many times they hit the guy!

These are some snaps that tell a bit of what i've been getting into here in Ashland....
First one is a pic of the Ashland Academy of Art where I am taking art lessons once a week with a small group. Learning the very technical side to proportion, perspective and such is a good way for me to improve on my art making and teaching skills, even if my teacher is only 18 years old (an unbelievable artist and teacher - this kid can teach!)

A picture of my first painting i've made here in Ashland of singer Etta James. Yes, i'm still on the can check out more at

Bluegrass band from Portland that I saw last night. Played in a smoky can smoke in some bars here after 10:30...very wierd for a Torontonian...these guys had washboards, dog howls and everything, and the crowd was just as entertaining as the music.

Jus a cool community sculpture in the park...glad I took this pic cause the next day I was walking through and it had all fallen down..

Sunday, November 04, 2007

On the road again....

Seems I can't make up my mind between the east or the west...

But for the next few months, I'm hanging around Ashland, Oregon. At first, I wasnt sure why I came to this particular spot, (besides having a very wonderful friend who has a house here and was willing to support my nomadic art making lifestyle), But now, I am starting to understand why so many people come from different parts of the US to settle down here. My intention is to work on my art, and I am very lucky to have met a couple of local artists here who are willing to help me with the development of my techincal skills. My first Friday here was a fun one as I joined in on a gallery open-house, modelled for a portrait painting demonstration, and sang with a bluegrass band, in which there was a female member who played the musical saw!

Ashland is a small city of less than 20, 000 people. I think at least half of those are professional artists, and the others are trying to be. This is home of the organic lifestyle...from food to community....and the place is filled with parks, independent coffee houses, yoga studios, art galleries, and more art galleries. There are no McD's or walmarts. It is also home to the first Elizabethean theatre, upon which our own Stratford theatre is based. There's a university here, and while there are cars here, they share the road with deer and other pedestrians in a very harmonious way - i feel like i'm living in a national park.

These past few days have been an eye-opening experience to myself as a Canadian and my pre-conceived notions of all Americans and their way of life. Time to get off our high horses, and turn down Michael Moore....healthy growing communities are a local thing, not a national doctrine.

Here are some pics of my new surroundings...I saw that deer on my walk this morning; pic of Japanese garden that is a new hangout of mine; my neighbourhood; art activism along the train tracks; a local musician; flower power!